Hydro Jetting Services in Wylie, TX
Sewer Cleaning from Blue Star Plumbing LLC
Your sewer line is arguably the most important part of your entire drain network, but it’s also probably the part of your plumbing system that receives close to, if not the absolute least attention. Because sewer lines are built to be able to withstand some serious abuse and wear and tear over the years, we often don’t think about them all that much. However, that can change quickly when a problem shows up and you’re suddenly forced to deal with an urgent sewer-related emergency. The best way to prevent issues in your sewer line and even to solve some of the most common problems you might have is by cleaning your sewer line thoroughly, and this is done through a process known as hydro jetting.
Book a hydro jetting appointment for your sewer line by calling Blue Star Plumbing LLC at (214) 800-4575 today!
What Is Hydro Jetting?
To put it in simple terms, a hydro jetting treatment is a pressure washer treatment for the inside of your sewer line.
In fact, the process literally uses a pressure washer. Only instead of a traditional nozzle gun like you would use to clean your patio, a hydro jetting service uses a specialized round tool head attached to the end of the pressure hose. This cleaning head has a primary nozzle on the front that blasts away debris and blockages that the cleaning head encounters. Around the sides of the cleaning head are several other nozzles that blast the debris and grime off of the interior walls of your sewer line.
The Benefits of Hydro Jetting
In one swoop, this process can not only eliminate clogs and blockages, but it can actively flush grime and debris away down the line. This not only solves the blockages, obstructions, or slowdowns that already exist in your sewer line, but it can actively prevent new problems from forming anytime soon. Clogs all need some sort of foundation to grab hold of in order to stick and build up into a blockage. A smooth, clean sewer line doesn’t offer these types of footholds, and that means it’s much, much harder for clogs to reform again. While a sewer line will eventually block up over time (it’s impossible to prevent just by the nature of what these lines do), a hydro jetting treatment can prevent clogs from forming for years at a time and can even extend the lifespan of your sewer line as well.
Hydro Jetting FAQ
Is Hydro Jetting Safe?
Yes! In fact, it’s actually much safer than almost every other type of sewer cleaning treatment. The process is all-natural, doesn’t use any chemicals or products for cleaning, and yet it’s also by far one of the most effective ways of eliminating grime from your sewer line. This process is actually safer for your sewer line than any other sewer cleaning method on the market today.
How Long Does Hydro Jetting Take?
Normally, a hydro jetting service can be completed in as little as a few hours. The process begins with a video camera inspection to take a look at the line and determine if the line is in good enough shape to withstand the forces of a jetting service (old, corroded, or damaged lines can’t be jetted). However, once it is established that your line is healthy enough for the job, our team gets the job done in as little as a few hours. Depending on how dirty your line is, your technician may choose to run the line several times for best results.
Can I Use My Plumbing During a Hydro Jetting Service?
You can still use your water taps and faucets as you normally would, however we request that you do not use any drains that might accumulate solid waste. That includes your toilets and kitchen garbage disposal, as they might make the cleaning process more difficult. However, you are generally not without access to these fixtures for more than just a few hours, so the impact on your day should be minimal at most.
How Much Does Hydro Jetting Cost?
This answer can vary widely from home to home. It depends on the condition of your sewer line, how large your line is, whether your line has available cleanout access, and how dirty the line is. A very dirty line that doesn’t have cleanout access is going to cost more to treat than a better-condition line that is super easy to get into. Our team can provide you with an honest and upfront estimate before the job begins so you know exactly how much your treatment will cost.
Trust the Team at Blue Star Plumbing LLC
Blue Star Plumbing LLC has always believed in offering a superior experience for our customers. We have the latest tools and employ one of the finest and most trusted teams of plumbers in all of eastern North Texas. Customers come to us when they demand the best, and we’re proud to become the name they turn to for all of their plumbing needs!
Contact Blue Star Plumbing LLC and find out more about taking better care of your sewer line with a hydro jetting service!